Course curriculum

    1. What you will learn

    2. Who is a Carer?

    3. Key Statistics

    1. Hospital Support video

    1. Identifying Carers in a Hospital Setting

    2. What can you do - Identifying carers as early as possible

    3. Use our Resources

    1. Improved Patient Care

    2. Reduced Pressure on Staff

    3. Better Discharge Planning and Reduced Chance of Readmission

    4. It Doesn't Take Much Time!

    1. Referrals

    2. Bedford Carers Hub and Ongoing Support

    1. Mrs. Jackson

    2. Mrs. Jackson

    3. Karen

    4. Karen

    5. Mr Smith

    6. Mr Smith

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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