What you will learn...

    1. Working and Caring

    2. Introduction

    3. What you will learn

    4. Pathways into employment

    5. Pathways into employment

    6. Preparing to get into work

    7. Transferable skills

    8. Identifying support

    1. Being supported in the workplace

    2. Tizi

    3. Your Employment Rights

    4. The right for time off to deal with emergencies

    5. Paid or unpaid leave

    6. Carer's Leave

    7. Disclosing you're a carer

    8. Alison

    9. Right to request flexible working

    10. Written request

    11. Protection from discrimination

    12. Laura

    1. Financial support

    2. Considering your options

    3. Carer's allowance

    4. Congratulations

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